You are a Christian investor - investing what the Lord has entrusted to your care. Which of the following health care corporations would you prefer to own and profit from? Where would the Lord prefer His money be placed? Let's hear your thoughts...
Lifepoint Hospitals (LPNT), based in Brentwood, TN, operates 52 facilities in 17 states, employing almost 17,000. Lifepoint is driven by its High Five guiding principles, which “guide our actions and decision making and define what communities can expect from us as a healthcare partner.” Aside from its outstanding record of satisfaction and care, Lifepoint is also civic minded. In response to Haiti’s earthquake disaster, Lifepoint founded the national Hope for Haiti campaign, which has proven to be one of the most important contributors to Haiti relief efforts. Lifepoint’s CEO even finds time to serve his church as worship leader.
Stericycle (SRCL) is a $7 Billion corporation providing medical waste services in nine countries. According to sources, Stericycle maintains contracts with more than 500 Planned Parenthood clinics, and hundreds more abortion facilities around the US and the world. Under these contracts, Stericycle agrees to dispose of the medical waste generated by these facilities. Of course, abortion procedures produce aborted babies, which Stericycle must incinerate under the terms of its contracts. Among the larger mutual fund families to hold Stericycle are American Funds, Fidelity, Vanguard and Morgan Stanley. Contact Storehouse Advisory Group to see if your mutual fund or 401(k) is holding Stericycle, and therefore subjecting you to profit from abortion-related businesses.
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