While Planned Parenthood and other women’s rights groups have been extremely successful in a campaign to draw support from America’s corporations, Wall Street support for abortion comes in a variety of formats.
Some companies, such as Pediatrix, are direct participants in the abortion business. Some, such as Stericycle, indirectly provide critical services needed by the industry (Stericycle contracts with PP clinics to dispose of aborted babies). Danco Labs, and similar companies, manufacture abortion inducing drugs. Yet others, like Starbucks, provide financial support through corporate giving to organizations like Planned Parenthood - America's largest provider of abortion services.
So, you ask, “What’s a pro-life investor to do?” In short, the same thing liberal investors have been doing for years - participate in a Values-Based Investing (VBI) program - specifically a Biblically-Responsible Investing (BRI) program.
Until recently, VBI funds have been dominated by socially- liberal causes. Now, however, conservative-minded investors can take advantage of this concept. Many Christian financial advisors now have tools to screen companies and mutual funds that contradict biblical values.